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Aspalathus linearis (Burm.f.) R.Dahlgren
Aspalathus linearis (Burm.f.) R.Dahlgren ssp. linearis
Lebeckia ambigua (L.) Thunb.
Leobordea carinata (E. Mey.) B-E van Wyk & Boatwr.
Leobordea platycarpa (unassigned)
Leobordea stipulosa (Bak.f.) B-E van Wyk & Boatwr.
Listia angolensis (Welw.ex Bak.) B_E vanWyk & Boatwr.
Listia angolensis (Welw. ex Bak.) B-E van Wyk & Boatwr.
Listia bainesii (Bak.) B-E van Wyk & Boatwr.
Lotononis crumaniana Benth.
Lotononis falcata (E. Mey.) Benth.

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